The truth about Liver Rolls and Fatty Liver
Your liver is the organ that mobilizes and detoxifies tricky or precarious substances from your body. In order to do that, the liver transforms the structure of these substances, so they can be excreted via feces or urine. When the substances can’t be transformed because the liver is congested or overloaded, they don’t leave the body and get recycled back into the blood stream, so we could develop Liver Rolls and even Fatty Liver.
The liver performs daily maintenance: it processes everything we eat, drink and absorb into our skin, removing toxins and metabolic wastes (hormones: insulin, estrogen) but when your body is full of “liver loaders” the priorities of the liver change and the detoxifying process slows down because there is a task to deal with the ‘loaders”. The body lay down more FAT to store these substances, until the liver is able to excrete them. Hello Liver Rolls! These are fat deposits right under the pectoralis area (bra line for the ladies)
Another condition called Non-Alcoholic Fatty liver disease happens when there is fat accumulated in the main cells of the liver and it doesn’t have to be due to alcoholic consumption anymore as it was in the past. And even though high body weight and diabetes may increase your risk, you can develop this problem at any shape, size, or health.
For many people, fat in the liver doesn't cause liver damage; however studies show that ¼ of the people with fatty liver, will have inflammation and possible liver scarring which could cause impaired liver function
Tips to avoid Liver Rolls and Fatty Liver:
Increase bitter foods like leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables and eat them daily
Stop eating refined carbohydrates that will spike your insulin level
Decrease the intake of liver loaders such as alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, caffeine, and beauty products with parabens, colorants, phthalates and overloaded chemicals.
Reduce excess belly fat “visceral obesity” by getting in a weight loss program
Add soluble fiber to your diet
Exercise to increase fat loss
And finally add HEPA PLUS to your day to help with liver detoxification pathway and support organ function
Remember, you only have one liver, and applying these tips towards taking better care of it will help you experience better energy, brighter skin, balanced sex hormones and improved digestion and elimination—just to name a few!
Thanks for reading!